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Thanksgiving Week

I'm taking a week off from cookbook reviews to focus on Thanksgiving. All next week, I'll be posting recipes for Thanksgiving dishes, from the turkey to the dressing to the pumpkin pie. I'll be testing some recipes that are new to me, and also posting old favorites that I've been making for years.

Have you seen any interesting Thanksgiving ideas? In cookbooks, or magazines, or the Williams-Sonoma catalog, or your local newspaper? If you'd like to see something tested before you commit to it for your Thanksgiving table this year, drop me a line at colleen@cornercooks.com. I'll give the recipe a whirl before the big day, so you'll know if it's worthy of your holiday.



Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Thanksgiving Week:

» Better Homes and Gardens Holiday Baking magazine from The Cookbook Critic
I picked this magazine up at the newsstand. It's a special interest publication from Better Homes and Gardens, and it's chock-full of ideas for Thanksgiving and Christmas baked goods. I'll be testing various recipes until Christmas. The magazine should... [Read More]

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