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Better Homes and Gardens Holiday Baking magazine

book_holidaybaking05_sm.jpgI picked this magazine up at the newsstand. It's a special interest publication from Better Homes and Gardens, and it's chock-full of ideas for Thanksgiving and Christmas baked goods. I'll be testing various recipes until Christmas.

The magazine should be available on newsstands until the holidays are over. You could also try to order it from the Better Homes and Gardens website, although I didn't have much luck finding a link to the magazine there. (Psst! Better Homes and Gardens! You might want to make it possible for people to actually FIND your products on your website! Just a suggestion...)

First up are a couple of quick breads, some make-ahead cinnamon rolls, and then I'll be trying their recipe for Chocolate Pecan Pie. Look for it during Thanksgiving Week.



Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Better Homes and Gardens Holiday Baking magazine:

» Better Homes and Gardens Holiday Baking magazine: Eggnog Quick Bread from The Cookbook Critic
A very tasty offering from the Better Homes and Gardens Holiday Baking magazine. It tastes a bit like eggnog, but mostly like nutmeg and almonds. Either way, it's yummy and looks pretty as a hostess gift or buffet table dessert.... [Read More]

» Better Homes and Gardens Holiday Baking magazine: Chocolate-Cashew Bread from The Cookbook Critic
Another quick bread from the Better Homes and Gardens Holiday Baking magazine. This one is drizzled with chocolate and sprinkled with chopped cashews; it looks lovely and tastes delicious.... [Read More]

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